Earning Cap/Mechanics(New)

Earning Cap

MEEET has both a Daily Strength Cap and Daily Token Cap. These limits restrict the amount of Strength and tokens that users can have per day.

Daily Strength Cap(New)

Users start the game with 2/2 Strength. Max Strength Caps at 30/30. Users can increase their Strength by getting more or higher quality Farmers (Refer to Strength System above)

Daily Token Cap

Users start the game with a 5/5 Daily MST Cap. The Daily Token Cap maxes out at 460 MST. Users can increase their Daily Token Cap by leveling up their Farmers.

There is NO earning cap for MMT.

MST Earning Cap may increase in the future.

Earning Mechanics


  1. E: Player's MST Earning

  2. S: Player's Strength Cost

  3. K: Invited Friends

  4. ft(K): A time parameter based on inviting new users, with a default value of 0. When a player invites a new user who buys a farmer, this parameter equals 1 in the new 24 hours.

  5. S(K): The sum of the invited players' Strength value

  6. Profit: Farmer's Profit value

  7. ProfitC: Farmer's Profit's Coefficient(Equipment/Socket/NFT Badges)

  8. X: Average Tasks Quantity Adjustment Factor: Adjustment factor based on the speed of completing tasks

  9. Y: Hunger Adjustment Factor: Adjustment factors based on Hunger value

  10. System value: Value set by the game developer, subject to change.

  11. Parameter: A range of system values

In short, the factors which affect MST Earnings are:

  1. Total Strength

  2. Farmer ( Attributes, Quality & Level)

  3. Number of invited friends

  4. Strength of invited friends

  5. Equipment(Type, Level & inserted Socket Quality)

  6. NFT Badges

  7. Speed of completing tasks

Last updated